Happy New Year
Well so far 3rd World war hasn't broken out, we haven't had to have an emergency budget, the Ft 100 is going from strength to strength --- no no no it doesnt count now, so lets go to the FT250 -- oh thats now almost back to what it was.
The Pound/Dollar had reached 61.8, the golden ratio, and reversed, so no surprise there then.
The remoaners are doing there best to find some solace before they commit suicide ( a bit strong I know, but that is how they are behaving, pathetic )
Our re moaning Ambassador to the EU has departed when he realised he might have to earn his money, another of the elite. ( Im sure he find a nice sinecure elsewhere, Oxford education and all that )
Italys oldest and third largest bank came out recently as the worst in a European Bank Assessment and is now in deep deep trouble
The news that Trump won has sent the american stock exchange upwards -- not plummeting down.
He has already forced companies not to out source their industries, he wants to have a dialogue with Putin ( how the vested interests in the military, arms industry ( good old Donald Rumsfeld, with Haliburton ), CIA etc etc etc---- all overplaying Putin to make money and keep their jobs
Its a wonderful time to see all the remoaners self flagellating, -- no labour MP's of course, all apart from London MP's, are keeping very quiet-- ho, ho, ho what a principled bunch they are.
Clegg, Tony Blair, Paddy Pants down, ( ill eat my hat, but never did), Mandleson, James OBrien and Evan Davis ( Newsnight BBC)
doing their best to cling to any morsel, to show that 52% of the population are complete morons and they are the chosen people --- they are part of why 52% voted leave.
Still at least we can rely on the majority of economists to get things right as they have in the past!!!
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